International Distance Education Conference (IDEC) is an international educational activity for academics, teachers and educators. IDEC promotes development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional knowledge through conference activities, journals (TOJET, TOJNED and TOJDEL) and proceeding books. Its focus is on sharing, creating and disseminating knowledge among academicians, school administrators and teachers about distance education and e-learning. This conference is now a well-known distance education and e-learning event worldwide and the number of paper submissions and attendees are increasing every year.
We would like you to welcome to present your academic work in IDEC and share your knowledge and experiences with us.
All accepted papers will be published in the Proceeding Book with ISBN and modified version of selected papers will be published in peer reviewed journals:
- TOJET ( as a Special Issue which is indexed in ERIC, SOBIAD and Index Copernicus,
- TOJNED ( indexed in SOBIAD and Index Copernicus
- TOJDEL indexed in SOBIAD
- Also optional after review process English presented papers will be published in Scopus indexed journal (please contact with additional fee):
Universal Journal of Educational Research(SCOPUS indexed) -
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences has passed the final evaluation of SCOPUS and will be indexed soon.
Conference Language
Papers can be sent in English or in Turkish. All papers should be prepared through TOJET Guidelines. According to TOJET, following the authors' information, 300-500 words abstract should be provided. The paper should be minimum 5, maximum 15 pages long including pictures and tables.